Post #1

Sunday, November 12, 2017 at 22:56. Here I am typing out my first post on my phone while lying in bed.

Many years ago, my stepfather Dennis bought my brother Spencer and I our very own domains. I didn’t have any content on the site, but I thought it was cool having my own website named after me.  The domain expired years ago and was resurrected about a month ago. Thankfully, the other ‘Evan Kam’s graciously left the domain name for me to take back.

I gain a sense of satisfaction when I learn new skills and am able to utilize them. This was one of the reasons I brought this site back and am now finally starting to post on. 

Perfection. This is a mindset that I believe leads to inaction and procrastination. I didn’t really know what to write as my first post, but I figured I may as well just “rip off the band aid” so to speak and just start writing. I’m not a great writer, nor am I really that creative, but that tells me, these are thinges I shold work on. Elliot Hulse once said in one of his YouTube videos that “if you cannot do something, then you MUST do it”. In other words, work on your weaknesses. 

For now, my plan for the site is to serve as a journal where I can either reflect on the day’s events or some other book, object, or thought. Marcus Aurelius wrote Meditations, which really was just his own personal journal that got published after his death. His thoughts remain relevant and applicable to modern life and still influence people today. I don’t say this to compare myself to a past emperor of Rome, but this too will serve as a place to put down my own thoughts. Anyway, post number one is done. I guess that wasn’t so bad.